Friday, March 20, 2015

The Dance Of Spring

"Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. 

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. 

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.

The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.

Arise, come my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” 

Song of Songs 2:10-13

It's been a long, cold winter!  Even  here in North Carolina! 
I wrote this in response to the experience of joining my friends at the Pregnancy Support Center in Canton, Oh at a women's spring retreat a couple years ago on the shores of Lake Erie.  

What a blessing to let God's word and Our Bridegroom, Jesus, awaken us from our winter slumber and fill us with the dreams and plans of Spring!  My sisters and I laughed, cried, danced, prayed and worshipped.  We felt joy in our hearts even as we watched one more snowstorm come in over the lake.

 Several of us braved the icy winds to take a peek at the sunrise the morning after the storm.  Though the thermometer said otherwise, somehow it didn't seem so cold.  We  were warmed by the unmistakable presence  of  the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of our sisterhood.  We stood together and watched God paint the promise of Spring across the horizon that morning!

The following is taken from a page of my journal...A reflection of what I sensed the Lord speaking to my heart at this retreat....I sense these words are for YOU as well.

...I have set you free my daughter, do you not sense my Holy Spirit within you?  The darkness is dissipating, behold light breaks forth from the deepest places of your soul...can you see it?  Can you sense the warmth of the sun as it caresses your face? 

Come out of the shadows my beloved..Take my hand. You were never meant to blend in with this, my princess, were called to shine for me...authentically, joyfully & courageously.  I have set you apart and desire for you to shine with the brightness of my Spirit. 

This is my will for you.  Yet, like a timid dance partner, you avert your eyes from my loving turn away from my outstretched healing hand...unwilling  to believe that my affections are set on you...just as you are.

Come to me, exchange the darkness of your fears, your wounds and your misconceptions of ME  for the light of truth. The truth of My love for you.  Bring all your shame and insecurities. I will bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

  My beloved bride,  receive My healing and My freedom now. I desire your whole heart. Will you entrust it to Me?  Will you surrender it to me, the only true lover of your soul?

 I created you to dance unashamed and unencumbered by the past.  Let go of the lies that have kept you on the fence...or in the boat. Step out my bride. 

Come away with me! Let me carry you into a brand new season of adventure, freedom and purpose.  I am your King and Bridegroom and I am jealous for you.

Now Beloved…accept my outstretched Hand!  Spin in delight of Me!  Let me lift you to the heights and twirl you under my adoring eyes!   I delight in all that is authentically you, surrendered fully to Me. 

Whenever you feel weary,  just lay your head against my heart.  Let me hold you.  Breathe.   You are safe with me.  Let me wash over you with the living water of my Word and with my great love for you.  Though seasons, like tides, ebb and flow,...My banner over you has always been and will forever be….Love.

My Bride, the choice is yours... May I have this first dance of spring?